World Press Photo 2023

A retrospective of the world through press images from 2022

Exhibition | accessibility.time_to

The World Press Photo Exhibition 2023 showcases the world's best photo journalism from the last year. The photos are selected by an international jury out of more than 60,000 entries by 3,752 photographers from 127 countries. The subjects range from the war in Ukraine to the impact of climate change and the protests in Iran. The exhibition is a look back at the global events of 2022 and allows us to take a step back from the fast-moving news cycle, consider world events from a fresh perspective, and critically reflect on them.

Activities for the public

Venez passer des moments passionnants, ludiques, inspirants, instructifs ou amusants au Château de Prangins! Une large panoplie d'activités, spécialement imaginées et conçues pour différents types de publics et de groupes, vous est proposée.

Une équipe expérimentée et enthousiaste vous attend.

Des visites guidées privées sont possibles pendant ainsi qu'en dehors des heures d'ouverture.



deux semaines à l’avance



60 minutes, autres offres sur demande



25 personnes au max.


Allemand, français, italien et anglais. Autres sur demande.




CHF 120 pour la visite guidée, plus l’entrée à tarif réduit de CHF 10 par personne.

Entrée libre pour les enfants et les jeunes jusqu’à 16 ans. Contact

+41 22 994 88 90


World Press Photo 2023

224 pages, 255 images
Hardcover, 245 x 190 mm

English / Deutsch / Français / Italiano

Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Allemagne

CHF 39.90

ISBN 978-3-7757-5434-7 Contact

+41 22 994 88 90


Swiss Press and World Press Photo 2023

Château de Prangins | 17.11.2023 - 25.2.2024
published on 31.10.2023

Media release                                                                                 

World Press Photo 17.11. – 17.12.23
Swiss Press Photo 17.11.2023 – 25.02.2024

Zooming in on world events

In the exhibitions World Press Photo 2023  and Swiss Press Photo 23, the Château de Prangins is showcasing some of the world's and Switzerland's best photo journalism and allowing visitors to step back from and reflect on the headlines of a turbulent 2022.

Photo journalism is an essential part of daily news coverage. The two exhibitions World Press Photo 2023 and Swiss Press Photo 23 feature some of the best press photos from all over the world and Switzerland of the past year. They allow visitors to take a rare step back from the fast-moving news cycle, think about it from a fresh perspective, and critically reflect on it. The photographs span the full spectrum of world events, from dominant stories such as the war in Ukraine and the women's protests in Iran, to global topics such as the impact of climate change in Morocco and the melting of the glaciers in the Alps, to national and local events, such as the Federal Council elections and the national scout camp in Goms.

The Swiss Press Photo exhibition, which focuses on photo journalism from Switzerland, presents some 130 pictures in the categories News, Daily Life, Swiss Stories, People, Sports and World. Meanwhile, the World Press Photo exhibition features the work of photographers from every continent. To avoid an overly Western perspective, the competition is broken down into six regional categories, each with its own jury. This pre-selection is subsequently assessed by a global panel in order to pick 24 regional winners and four overall winners. The exhibition includes some 120 photographs from the winning projects.


Media material
Swiss Press Photo
World Press Photo

Blog articles